About Us
While endeavouring to rejuvenate the nation, th significance of co- operative sector, has been recognized and to enhance qualatative growth of co-operative movement, the Sahakar Baharati has last for 24 years has dedicatedly has performed with a moto of “ Bina Sanskar, Nahi Sahakar” and has engaged in building the team of socially devoated co-operative activists. By synchronizing, supplementing, co-ordinating various activites of different co-operative units and developing attachment among themselves, we can create a well organized , co- ordinated co-operative power and on the strength of it we have confidence to solve the emerging challenges faced by co-operative sector.
Sahakar Bharati has conducted many symposiums and seminars on themes like “ Rural development through cooperation” , “ Co-operation – The pillar of Indian Economy”, “Automonous Co-operatives and self reliant India”, “ Co-operation – An option to free economic policy”. Thus we have during last 24 years have been able to do introspective transformation in the Co-operative / Financial organizations. Co- operative movement should remain automonous and co-operative law which has become an impediment in development of co-operative sector should be changed. These are the foremost demands of the Sahakar Bharati is pursuing. You must be aware that this activity has made Government of Maharashtra to reconsider some provision in co-operative laws. Untile now 7 states have passed the ‘Self – Relient co-operative Act’ in Kerala state to implement the above act ‘ Post Card Movement’ was taken place. The Sahakar Bharati has lodged the suit in Karnataka High Court against the levy of ‘Co-operative Welfare Tax’ and won the case. We have put lot of efforts in implementing “Crop Insurance scheme for farmers. We have also remained fore front in solving problems in co-operative sector. Sahakar Bharati is also involved in many creative and project oriented work and also reconstructing such organizations. Live example of this the revival of Madhopura Mercantile Co-operative Bank in Gujarat. With all such panoram ie.activities Sahakar Bharati is able to change the face of co-operative sector in India up to large extend.
We have firm conviction that co-operative movement should be indifferent and free from political veil and interference. Hence many of our seminars are graced by the eminent person from all walks of life; irrespective of their political faith. We remain grateful to Ex-Home Minister of India Shri. Shankar rao Chavan, Ex-speaker of lok Shabha Shri Shivraj Patil, Ex- deputy Chief Minister of Maharashtra Shree Gopinath Munde, Ex-minister of state co-operative shri Jaising Gaikwad , noted economist Shri. Nilekant Rath, founder of B.M.S. Shri Dattopant Thangadi, former Sirsanghachalaks of RSS like late Balashab Deorus and Rajju Bhaiiya and former chief justice of high court Shri. Ram joyes who is presently governer of Zarkhand , Co-operative minister of Orrisa state Shri. Arvind Dhali , for their guidance.
Our mission is to bring ideal growth, to do pubilicity and expand co-operative movement and start ideal co-operative societies in each district of the country. Sahakar Bharati has becomes omnipresent in India’s co-operative field. To take this movement ahead in our silver jubilee year we have decided to organize many functions all over the country.Sahakar Bharati has becomes omnipresent in India's co-operative field.

Born on 10the November, 1920 at Arvi Wardha district of Maharashtra is well known as a Scholar and organiser. For over half a century he has been a Pracharak of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh.The Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh founded by him four decades ago is presently the foremost labour organisation in the country. He is also the founder of Bharatiya Kisan Sangh, Samajik Samrasata Manch, Swadeshi Jagaran Manch, Sarve Panth Samadar Manch and Paryavaran Manch. He is also founder Member of Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad and Sahakar Bharati. Shri Thengadi was a member of the Rajya Sabha for 12 years. He is widely travelled. In addition to continuous organisational work to strengthen nationalist feelings in the masses, Shri Thengadi has been a prolific writer in English, Hindi and Marathi. The books and occasional booklets authored by him number over a hundred. These include “Nationalist Pursuit” (1992) and “Our National Renaissance. Its Directions and Destination” (reprinted, 1993), both published by Sahitya Sindhu Prakashana.